Sometimes, oil and water just don't mix.
So, after a busy couple of weeks and not hearing from S., the girl from who contacted after more than six months, I finally got a reply e-mail from her. At first, I'd thought it was an e-mail problem of some kind that was blocking incoming e-mail from her domain, but I verified that it was working with someone else. Before I did that, however, I sent her an e-mail that indicated I was having some e-mail issues and I included my phone number.
Naturally, I got a response back telling me that her junk mail controls had grabbed that and she's only just now seen it. So, can anyone guess what her response was to my suggesting we get together this week? Yeah, she'd started seeing someone else a couple of weeks ago and wanted to pursue that. But, she wanted to stay friends, etcetera. Of course. Sure. What else, right? Well, rather than reply right away, I waited over night to think about it. Good thing, too.
So, this morning, I send her a quick note saying, in essence, that it was probably best. After all, things hadn't really worked out the first time, so there wasn't any real reason to expect them to work out now, right? Right. Well. All that means, really, is that I'll be back on my original plan of looking seriously at dating sometime after Christmas. I figure finding some one off is like looking for work. No one really changes jobs, or partners, until after the holidays anyway.