
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Decisions, Decisions...

So, my television died yesterday.

I've had this old Panasonic 27-inch tv for somewhere over ten years and it's finally died.  Saturday night, when I shut off the cable box, the tv, which I usually leave on, went to a blue, video-feed-like screen instead of just going dark.  So, naturally, I shut it off.  The next morning when I went to turn it on, all I got was a weird, high-pitched buzzing sound, but no picture.  I tried unplugging it and letting it "rest", but that didn't seem to make a difference, so I have no choice but to assume that it's dead.

Now, I suppose, I could try to get it repaired, but, frankly, it's so old that I doubt it's worth the effort.  And, it's not like I don't have a smaller television in the bedroom that I don't normally use which could replace the old one.  But, still, it's not the big tv that I've gotten used to watching.
And, with the recent increases in Comcast's pricing, I have been thinking about scaling back my cable bill.  I mean, what's up with them reducing the number of channels then increasing the price, anyway?  Besides, I've been watching too much television anyway.  That damn glowing box lures me in and sucks all my productivity right out.  So, it costs me in two ways.

But, here's my dilemma...  I've been saving the revenue from the ads on my websites toward a nice digital camera.  Now, I'm not talking a simple "point-and-click" here, but an actual digital SLR.  The kind that you can change lenses on and adjust all kinds of settings and so on.  I used to take regular film pictures with an old, old Nikon F3.  But, I never took a class on how to develop film, never taught myself, and got tired of taking my film to an expensive, busy camera shop to get the film developed.  I especially got tired of them always telling me that I'd over, or under, exposed the film.  I mean, I knew I wasn't doing it right, which was the whole point of the experimentation.  I was trying to figure it all out, as usual, on my own using my own methods.  In fact, even though I gave up on that, I still have the camera.
In any case, I've been doing well on revenues and I'm getting close to the purchase price of either a decent Cannon or an even better Nikon.  I've been reading up and pricing them and have settled on either the Cannon Xti or the Nikon D80.  They're fairly close in features, and not too far apart in price.  The kicker is, though, they're both about the same cost as a replacement television.

So, do I make do with less so I can get the camera sooner?  Or, do I put off the camera again for months, so I can suckle at the glass teat now?  Or, do I get the camera now, cut back my cable bill and save that and the money from the web advertising toward a better television a little later?

Well, the one thing I do know, is that I shouldn't make a decision when I'm agitated about it, so I'll be sitting on that for a bit.  But, I should probably make a decision soon so I can cancel services on my cable account before they start charging me for a bunch of stuff I don't use.