
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Ich Hab Keine Zeit!


Well, I guess to balance last weekend, I got virtually nothing done this weekend.
Okay, that's not quite true, but I got nothing done that I planned on doing or really wanted to get done.  I did work on a cd cover for one of the Culturcide projects and see The Golden Compass, which was fairly disappointing, but everything else languished.  I blame it on the clinic visit I'm about to have.
In just a few short minutes, I'm going to wolf down some lunch and dash out the door to get blood drawn, then wait to see my oncologist.  I'm feeling...  Anxious, I guess.  Unsettled.  Tense.  I'm afraid of what the results might be from last week's PET scan.  I'm not sure if I could take another year of chemotherapy.  I'm really not.

Oh, I also pulled some pictures off my camera, but I haven't edited them at all to put up.  I suppose I'll end up linking to my Filckr account and spending the minimal money for a "pro" membership.  Well, maybe after the first of the year.