Well, according to the doctor, I'm still okay.
Actually, when I finally got the results of my PET scan, the results were better than "okay". It seems that the scar tissue on my lung from the lymphoma has actually reduced and there's active, visible healing going on there. So, I'm clean for another three months, when I'll do this again.
I have to admit, I was a little worried, but, I guess that's fairly normal. My doctor was actually quite pleased with the fact that I'd put on a little too much weight since I'd seen her last. She, and her entire staff of nurses, were positively giggly over my hair and how healthy I looked in general. I do feel good, but, I'm still very aware of how out of shape I am. And, I'm leary of every little cough or anything unusual,health-wise, at all. I hope that goes away, or at least reduces in intensity, eventually.
So, in short, to recap, or, to state again in a slightly different way, I'm good.
Oh, and before I forget, my mother finally found my blog, so everyone wave and say hello!