I have learned to accept certain things about my life.
I accept that I will never have children of my own.
I very much wanted them and I know I would have made a good father, but it just doesn't seem to be in the cards for me. So, I'll be Uncle Jim to all my friends' kids. I'll have toys at my house and be the cool, pseudo-uncle that they all love to come visit. And, until they breed, I'll be the best uncle I can be to my own niece and nephews.
I accept that I will probably die alone.
In the end, don't we all? I mean, even if there's someone there with us, we really still die alone. Thanks to the same cancer treatment that sterilized me, I'll live more than long enough to get my affairs in order, to get out of debt and pre-pay for my funeral and cremation. Hell, I may even get one of those Star Trek urns to be buried in.
I try to keep hope alive and an open mind and all that, but, really, I just have a hard time seeing myself with anyone. I have a hard time picturing anyone who's interested in being with me. My last hope of possibly starting something with the cute, red-headed federal parole officer pretty well died last night. I overheard part of something that I shouldn't have and it sounded an awful lot like someone saying "she" wasn't interested in "him". And, yes, while that doesn't mean much, I took it as significant that the two people stopped talking when I walked up and wouldn't explain further when I asked. I'll grant that the world doesn't revolve around me, but, well, sometimes it's not my ego talking, you know? I don't think it was in this case.
So, anyway, my point is, if not her, then who? There just isn't anyone else even on my radar and I got so tired of the bullshit with Match.com that I canceled that last week. I don't know. I suppose I can always hope for that miracle to happen.
I accept that I'll never be a famous author.
Sure, I might be the number one hit on Google for Network Geek, but that's not really fame, is it? And, is this blog even really writing? I may write fiction and even publish it, but I just don't see myself ever being famous or winning awards. Maybe it's just the antibiotics and blood thinners talking, but I definitely see myself living a modest life of obscurity. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Hell, most people don't get more than that and damn few get that far. At least, at the level of comfort that I enjoy. And, as I sit here typing this on a laptop with my feet propped up next to my digital camera looking at a Japanese sci-fi movie on my HDTV, I am more than aware of just how comfortable I am.
It's a good life.
It may not be what I imagined or what I dreamed of, but it's a damn good life and I've lived far better than I had any right to expect. I'm lucky, really, to be alive at all.
It really is a good life.