
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

No, Thank You, Mr. Spammer

As a result of my ranking in Google, I occasionally get silly spam.

This morning, for instance, I got this e-mail:

Let me know if you're looking to get a higher listing with search engines. I can send you the details first, just let me know how you would like to communicate.
(insert marketer's name here.)

I responded with:

Higher than what? I'm already the number one hit on Google for Network Geek. After all, how was it that you found me to try and sell to me?

No, thank you, but I enjoy doing it myself.

Jim Hoffman

I mean, really, half the fun of having this site and doing this blog is that I use it to manipulate one of the biggest search engines ever!  Ah, well, maybe if he'd actually read my blog, he'd know that I made most of the money I paid my divorce lawyer back optimizing his site for the search engines and getting him connected with an URL submission service.

Silly spammers.