As if dreaming about my ex-wife weren't enough!
So, I'm glad that it's a new week, because last week was a little rough.
First, my car was in the shop, again, for mysterious electrical problems that the mechanic never could find. Sadly, even though he only charged me for the tow, I still paid almost five hundred dollars for a week's rental on a car.
Then, Tuesday, my cell phone falls in the toilet and shorts out. So, I go get a cell phone "upgrade" that I'm due and end up spending yet another hundred seventy-five dollars I don't have. Oh, and during that whole process, I discover that not only have I lost most of my saved data from the address book, but my old backup software won't work with the new phone, so I can't get the data back easily.
But, wait! There's more!
It turns out that my new phone is defective and ninety percent of the keys don't work, which means I have to go back and get my new phone replaced. But, before I can do that on Thursday, I discover that I've been fined one-hundred thirty dollars because my lawn trash was out a day early. Perfect!
I know, you're asking yourself what else could go wrong, right? Well, Friday morning, my car won't start. Again.
Well, I think the second mechanic has finally found the problem and sorted it out. And, just to keep things in perspective, at least I don't have cancer.