I think I smell a little hyperbole.
Apparently, the New York Times ran a story about how bloggers are such freakish, obsessive people who simply can't stand to be away from their computer, even for sleep, that all the stress from blogging can actually cause our demise. Frankly, even if I were doing this professionally, I think that's taking it too far. An article on Slate references statistics that clearly show there are far more stressful, harmful jobs than blogging. Or, really, anything white collar. And, Larry Dignan, a professional blogger for ZDNet, who was interviewed for the NYT story, clearly has other opinions about the "hazards" of blogging. (His interview, which disagreed with the sensationalist story, was not used.)
But, blogging is still hot. It's still cool. Only, now, the press has to make some fear-based story around it to sell papers. So, now, apparently, blogging can kill you.
Film at eleven.