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Securing Your WiFi

At least, as much as you can secure anything.

Some time back, I pointed you all toward an article about extending your wireless connection. Some of you expressed concern regarding security in relation to wireless connections in general and, specifically, after expanding the range of your wifi router. So, I thought I should get you all some links on how to batten down the hatches, so to speak.
I do think it's important, though, to say a little something about security in general first.
Nothing is totally secure. If a computer is on a network, it can be compromised eventually, given enough time and money. Security is a matter of degrees, of balancing ease-of-use with peace-of-mind. And, while having wifi makes mobile communication easy, it is, by it's very nature, insecure. Anything that broadcasts over an unsecured medium can only be so secure, you know? So, I think it's important as you look at the links below to keep in mind that a determined attacker is going to get into your wifi network, no matter what you do. And, personally, I am more than a little paranoid, so there are just some things I wouldn't do over a wireless network.

Okay, so, without further ado, here are the links:
First, if you don't mind the pop-ups on About.com, here are Ten Tips for Securing Your Home WiFi Network. They're not bad, but, really, some of them aren't all that secure. Or, rather, they just give a somewhat inflated sense of security. Still, they're better than nothing.
Better than those tips, though, is the Lifehacker Guide to Setting Up a Wireless Home Network. This takes you through setting up a wifi router and network from scratch and gives you fairly good tips about securing it along the way. (But, make sure to follow the link to their article ToDo - Secure Your Wireless Home Network!) Better still, follow the article at Ars Technica titled The ABCs of Securing Your Wireless Network.
Freakishly, Microsoft, who's not known for their security practices, has an article about making Windows XP wireless a little more secure. If you run XP, it's worth a look.
And, finally, for those of you with a little extra time, some spare computer resources, and a high level of paranoia, read the Step-by-Step Guide at SearchWindowsSecurity.com titled How To Create A VPN For Your Wireless Network. (Or, if you'd rather download a printable PDF, check out TechRepublic's A Secure Wireless LAN Hotspot For Anonymous Users. It's another way to do the same thing.) Frankly, it doesn't get much more secure than that!

Hopefully, that gives all those curious minds out there enough to chew on to keep you off the streets at night!