I am a Freemason.
I am also tragically unhip and I know it. I love my Masonic Brothers, but, honestly, I've never met one that is any less un-cool than I am. Well, thankfully, that may be changing, according to an article in the Boston Herald. Apparently, at least one Lodge there is attracting a slightly different kind of Brother: punk rock musicians. Now, keep in mind that the only requirements for membership is that a candidate be male, an adult (ie. usually over 18 or 21, depending on the jurisdiction), "free-born", of "good report" (ie. not convicted of a felony and vouched for by a Brother), and have a belief in a "supreme being". So, basically, a man who, theoretically, can make his own decisions and believes in a single deity. So, as long as they're basically upstanding guys, who are willing to follow the rules of Freemasonry, we're a pretty open group. Really. Not trying to take over the world at all. Honest. I promise.
Seriously, most of the Brothers I know can barely remember the punch line to a good joke, so you can pretty much forget the whole world-domination thing.
Here's what the guys in the article had to say about it:
“It’s kind of like a history class that no one else can take,” said Dave Norton, drummer for Victory at Sea and The Men. He believes his membership in the fraternal organization will be especially rewarding when he tours Europe later this year.
Gary Robley, drummer for Dashboard Jesus and J. Geils cover band Blow Your Face Out, said he joined because his father was a Mason, as are many of his friends.
“There were a bunch of musicians I knew in it,” Robley said. “It was kind of a brotherhood. Musicians have always been a part of Masonry since its inception.”
Anyway, it struck me as both funny and cool that Lodge as I remember it is changing. When I was active, there was a lot of talk about how the Fraternity was hurting for members because new guys weren't joining. Well, maybe the is the start of a cool new trend.
And, maybe, it's about time I started looking for a local Lodge.