OpenOffice lacks one thing that I've always liked: barcodes.
Specifically, back when I was a WordPerfect user, I used to love the ability to address envelopes with the United States Postal Service ZIP Code barcodes. I know that it made letters less likely to get lost and more likely to get to their destination quickly. Also, I've known a few people who work for the US Postal Service and, from what I understand, letters with the barcodes are less likely to actually be touched by people. Their machines just suck the letters along and just about sort them into carrier's bags.
Unfortunately, OpenOffice has not been able to indulge me in this minor joy. Until now.
Now, there are macros available, for free, to let you insert USPS-approved barcodes into your OpenOffice documents. The company who makes this available to you is and they have a webpage that describes the process for using the macros and has a link to the macros themselves.