So, what CD did I buy?
Right, at least one of you noticed that the poll was still running, but my deadline for buying my cart had passed. Well, that may be true, but I still want suggestions for new music, so I left it up. Frankly, some of the suggestions have been intriguing, to say the least. For instance, both Fu Manchu and Disturbed are new to me, and not half bad, based on the samples I found on-line. But, Indigo Girls? Really? Or is someone making a joke? I mean, I assume the Britney suggestion is a joke, but I'm honestly not sure about Indigo Girls.
So, anyway, my point is that I'm still interested in suggestions and new music. Eventually, I'll buy another CD, so keep voting, if you can. Please, feel free to vote from home and work, too!
Oh, right, and the CD I got was Snow Patrol's Eyes Open, but they have others, so don't hesitate to vote for them, still.