So, it seems like I still have some issues.
Someone e-mailed me this morning to see if my site was down because they were getting a blank page. Well, so was I. At least, until I hit refresh. Then, hitting the links on the categories didn't work at all. So, I checked the WordPress support forum and tweaked a couple of things. Now, the categories give you blank pages, until you hit the refresh button. And, actually, this is all in Firefox. Firefox 2, actually, so I have no idea if any other browsers are having trouble or not. If you are, leave me a comment here so I can keep track, would you?
And, in any case, I'm working on it. Right now, the fix seems to be coming in a minor version update. This is why I usually wait a couple of months before upgrading. It's just that this version had some things I wanted to use, so... Well, anyway, like I wrote, I'm working on it.
First, let me thank you all for not taking advantage of that opening line. It is sort of like putting on a "kick me" sign and sticking one's rump out.
Secondly, I think I found the problem. I upgraded WordPress, but not all the plugins I have loaded. So, I deactivated one until I can get the new version. Luckily, it's one that works behind the scenes doing things for me, so your viewing experience shouldn't be effected.
Thanks for your help and attention!