So, in a few minutes, I'm going to head down to M. D. Anderson Cancer Center to get the results of my scan from last week.
I wanted to post a picture of the outside of M. D. Anderson, but when I was taking them last week, a security guard came and hassled me. Normally, I'd have hassled back, especially since there were no signs or other posted warnings against photography. Also, I was outside taking pictures and avoiding shots of people. I mean, I was a cancer patient, after all, and I know how sensitive I was about pictures, so I wouldn't want to stress anyone else out about it. In any case, I owe them some money and didn't have the time to be arrested or anything like that, so I complied with the "nice officer's requests". I actually did try to get the "proper permission", but no one with the right "authority" would reply to me. So, the long and short of it is, no pictures. Oh, well!
In any case, I'll spend most of my morning waiting around to see my doctor, which is fine. I'm sure the results will be clear because, other than a little head cold and congestion, I feel fine. I'm not sure if I have a fever any more or not because as I was going to check my temperature last night after work, I dropped the thermometer. I wonder if the mercury will show up on blood work? So, I'll probably stop on the way home and get a new, cheap digital thermometer. And, maybe, if I talk to my oncologist real sweet, she'll write me a prescription for something that will help clear out this congestion and whatever else is holding on in my head and lungs. I suspect she will, not only because they're good like that in the Lymphoma clinic, but also because I think it would look bad if I died from pneumonia after they saved me from cancer!
Oh, yeah, if anyone knows a good place in Houston to sell jewelry, let me know in the comments. I've got to come up with a little over $1500 fast to pay for a replacement fence. I'm sure I could borrow the money from several people, but I'd rather get rid of my old platinum wedding bands and some of the jewelry I bought for my ex-wife that she left behind and pay for it that way. I hate the idea of taking it to a pawn shop, because I'm sure they'll screw me royally on the price. I may borrow the money and try eBay for the jewelry, too. Might be easier all the way around.
Anyway, I've got to run to the clinic now. I'll definitely post an update later with results from the scan, good, bad or indifferent!
UPDATE: Didn't feel like writing a whole new entry just to say I'm still cancer free. *yawn* And, the doctor did write a prescription for antibiotics, just in case. And, I got chewed out a little bit for not getting to see an eye doctor like I was supposed to do. But, all that aside, I'm still cancer free. (Yea!)