It's vital to good server management to maintain a change control log.
Really, it's best for everything in an IT department to keep a good set of change control logs, but most of us don't do it. Well, a great little blog called Ask The Admin has an article on the Importance of Change Management Record Keeping that is a "must read" for anyone who has to keep track of more than one system.
Now, I have to admit, I don't do a great job of maintaining documentation myself, but that's not such a big deal since I'm a one-stop IT shop. However, if something should happen to me, it would make things better, and easier, for the next poor schmuck who has to take over. Mostly, when I get somewhere new, I'm confronted with a jungle of systems and armed with little more than a password. Sometimes, it's not even the admin password. When I leave, though, I always try to leave behind updated, accurate, useful documentation. My desk may be a mess, but my documentation is at least usable.
The first guy I used to work for always would ask me what I'd do if he were trapped under a rock. Check the documentation was often the first thing. So, I learned, whenever possible, leave good documentation for the next guy.
Think of it as the Golden Rule of Documentation; Document for others what you would have them document for you.
In any case, read the article. Then go forth and sin no more.