
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968



Originally uploaded by Network Geek
I've started juicing.

This is probably not a big deal to anyone else but me, but, well, I've gotten a juicer and started juicing. Now, this does not mean that I'm using steroids, which is what I think of when I hear "juicing". No, this is actual juice, made from fruits and vegetables. Mostly, though, vegetables.

I don't eat very well. I admit it. I don't get the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables and I eat far, far too much meat. I know this. I know this is why I tend to be so heavy, why my blood pressure is as higher than it should be, why I feel older than I should. I know I should eat better and be healthier to help keep cancer from coming back. So, I'm making a compromise.

When I was near the end of chemo, it seemed like every cancer survivor I ran into asked me if I'd gotten my juicer yet. I'd meant to get one of those years ago, I would tell them. And, I'll have to get around to that one of these days really soon, I'd add. But, more than a year after finishing chemo, I still hadn't done it. No, it took my own vanity to push me to go get one, any one, to try. See, I need to keep my nutrition levels as high as possible, while keeping my calorie intake as low as possible and juice seems like the way to do it.
So, I bought a juicer.

It is, in fact, a Juiceman Junior brand juicer, named after the original juice advocate. Though, sadly, he can no longer call himself the "Juiceman" due to contractual obligations. Still, he was the one everyone remembers from the late night ads and the Jim Carrey skit on In Living Color. I thought it would make me all crazy, like everyone who was on those ads seemed to be, to me. But, it hasn't made me any crazier than I already am. And, you know what? I've been enjoying the juice!
Yeah, who would have thought it? I like taking apples and carrots and celery and spinach and parsley and ginger and sweet peppers and juicing them all together. It's pretty amazing. Oh, sure, at first glance it looks disturbingly green and I was sure it would taste terrible, but, really, it doesn't. In fact, it tastes sort of good. And, now, I'm getting into a rhythm of making enough juice for two or three days at a time, so it's actually getting easier to do! It's sort of a pain to clean the machine, but, so far, I like the results, so it's worth the work. I don't think I've lost any weight yet, but I do feel better already.

So, yeah, as strange as it seems, I've become one of those crazy juice people. And I don't even mind!