So, Friday I went to my first geek networking event.
Okay, now, to be clear, I mean the first event I've ever been to that the point was to get to know other geeks, not work on computer networking. It was the first of what I think will be many. The event is a monthly "Geek Gathering" put on by Jay Lee and Dwight Silverman of TechBytes and the Houston Chronicle. I was convinced to come out this time by Kristie "Suburban Goddess" MacLaughlin. Though, I have to admit, I think she did it simply to get me active on Facebook, since the event was announced there. We've followed each other's blogs for some time now, and exchanged a few e-mails, but never met. And, before any of my regular readers who are often eager for me to get involved with someone, mainly for the jokes that come out of my so-called love life, let me hasten to emphasize that this was not a date! She's quite happy with her boyfriend and doesn't need my uncivilized self mucking things up. Just in case anyone was wondering.
Still, she was quite eager to get me out to meet Jay and Dwight and "the gang". Now, I did meet those folks, but I got caught in ugly traffic, so I got there a bit late and didn't get to meet everyone I might have liked to know. For instance, I missed meeting the guys who run the Houston-based Japanese animation and manga convention known as ONI-CON. I did meet a couple of very nice journalists who got laid off from the Chronicle, however, who were there networking as well.
Funny thing about that, the networking thing. I've never really done it before, and I think it showed. Living alone, my conversational skills have atrophied so as to be almost non-existent! Thankfully, I was surrounded by people who were good at it and gracious. Donna, aka @Cottonwood2009, was very nice and kept my end of the conversation up as well as her own. And, of course, it seemed that everyone was on either Twitter or Facebook or both. I'm on Twitter for the tools I can add to this blog in case of losing my connection to the Internet again during a hurricane, so my family up North will know that I'm still alive. (They worry.) I was on Facebook, but hadn't really done anything with the account. Since meeting a few folks, most notably Dwight and Jay, my Twitter followers have more than tripled in the space of two days and my Facebook friends have gone from one to eighteen.
And, I got to talk with several people about photography, too. In fact, it seemed like every third person there had a camera in hand. I didn't take many pictures this time, but you can see the few I did at my Flickr page, under Geek Gatherings. There will be more eventually.
I remember when the on-line world and the "real" world were mostly separate. I've blogged for almost nine years now and never actually expected to meet most, if not all, of my readers. But, as the song goes, the times, they are a-changin' and now, I fear, I'll be meeting more and more of them. Perhaps I'll have to start writing better and more relevant things! Good gravy, I may have to start writing technical posts again! What a strange turn of events that would be.
I have to be honest, and in all seriousness, meeting some of my readers makes me, well, a little uncomfortable. It's bad enough that my readers often think that they know me based on what I write here, but now... Now, having met me in person, I'm afraid that the lines will become even more blurred. And, anyone who's read my blog for a long time knows how I like my life neatly segmented and clearly defined. Still, what else is there to do? It's either that or keep talking to the dog and, frankly, I think she's getting a bit tired of hearing the same jokes over and over.
But, it was good to be out of my comfort zone Friday. It was good to go to a new place and meet new people. And, it was even good to put some faces to names that I'd seen on-line in any number of venues. I may not be very good at this networking thing, as ironic as that seems considering the title of my blog, but I'm going to keep working at it. It's the one thing that I should have been working at harder all these years. Who knows, maybe I would have had a better series of jobs than I did? Maybe even a better series of girlfriends? Well, maybe not, but a guy can dream! Certainly going forward, if anything happens to me at my current job, I'll be better off if I have a good, strong, professional network. If you're in Houston and a geek like me, it would be worth checking out next month.
And, who knows, maybe one of these times I'll meet the future ex-Mrs. Hoffman?