
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Happy New Year!

Hey, look, it's a new year!

First of all, let me apologize to my faithful readers for not posting more this week.  I had intended to get a couple of movie reviews up here, since I've got a bit of a backlog, but that didn't quite happen.  There are a couple of reasons for that.  First, I've been busy helping people with their internet connections and doing some extra stuff for people at church.  Secondly, I was getting ready for last night's little party at my house.  Thirdly, I've been sick.  In fact, I probably should have called off the party last night to get some rest, but, well, that's just not how I roll.  Yo.

In any case, my laziness not withstanding, the new year is upon us!
Which means, it's time to start figuring out what resolution you're going to fail miserably at for the coming year.  Oh, c'mon, you don't really think anyone believes that those resolutions are anything but an extended exercise in wishful thinking, do you?  Well, I suppose some people make resolutions they intend to keep, and a few people even manage to actually do it, but, mostly, I think they're just good intentions.  So, given that, why not at least have some fun coming up with one?

That was my thought a couple years ago when I coded up my very own, home-made New Year's Resolution Generator. You can choose whether or not to start something or stop something and leave the rest up to drunken, sexy chance! (Well, that sounds better than leaving it up to my feeble programming skills and a pseudo-random number generator, doesn't it?)  Now, I will admit, this thing might be a little weighted toward kissing strangers and other mildly inappropriate behavior, but, again, that was mostly wishful thinking on my part.

Anyway, it's free, and fun, and a number of years ago, Comedy Central picked it as a funny link of the month, or week, or day, or something, so you know it has to be sort of fun.  I know I enjoyed making it, at least!

So, no matter how you choose to start it, with or without the crazy suggestions from the New Year's Resolution Generator, try to start the year with a little fun, a smile, and my best wishes.
Happy New Year, everyone!