Originally uploaded by Network Geek
I saw The Bounty Hunter Friday last week.
I know, I've been bad about letting things go between updates here, even though I've mostly reduced things to just doing movie reviews. I've been busy.
In any case, I did get out to see The Bounty Hunter staring Jennifer Anniston and Gerard Butler. They star as a formerly married people. He was a cop and she was a cub reporter. Now, she's a very successful reporter and he's a bounty hunter. The funny thing is, while she was working on a story, she got a little tangled up with the courts for a minor altercation that got a little blown out of proportion. Well, now, she's working on another story and, as she's about to go into court, she gets a call from a source, so she misses her court date. Naturally, what that means is that her bail gets revoked and a bench warrant for her arrest. Can you guess who gets the job?
And you can pretty well guess where the comedy goes from there. Of course, it is funny. I mean, really, it is. But, it's a romantic comedy, even though these two start off divorced. At first, the movie is about him chasing her and trying to bring her back to jail. But, her story quickly becomes a problem as the people she's investigating try to kill her. And, mayhem ensues.
I don't have time for my regular, in depth review this morning, but let me say that this movie was far funnier than I thought it would be. I mean, look at the actors playing the two leading characters. No, really, just go look at them. They're simply beautiful to look at, both of them. I'm pretty sure that's all we were meant to do, anyway, was look at them. But, it turns out, their on-screen dialog is pretty funny, too. Okay, perhaps not the most brilliant or subtle comedy, but, still, funny enough that for most of the film I was laughing out loud. The last third of the movie, though, they really step up the romance content and it kind of over-shadows the comedy. It's still there, but, frankly, I think at this point we're supposed to be more interested in them as pretty people than actual people.
Now, I'll grant you, I had pretty low expectations for this film, but they were certainly all exceeded. It was a funny, comedy romp that was grown-up without being particularly blue.
Oh, and also, there was some action, so that Gerard Butler could show off his 300 physique. And, yes, for those of you who care, he does still pretty much have it. Damn him. Also, Jennifer Anniston was pretty damn hot, too.
The plot is nothing new, really, and the surprises were few, but the movie was fun enough, and the stars attractive enough, that it really didn't matter much. And, let me hasten to point out, in spite of some weaknesses in the plot and action, and romance, I was still quite entertained. Though, yes, I do have to agree with other reviewers that the two stars lacked on-screen chemistry. At no point did I suspect they were banging each other off camera, and that's okay. It doesn't take anything away from the film, really. I doubt I'd have much chemistry with my ex-wife, even if I had to drag her back to jail, so a certain friction instead of chemistry in this movie actually kind of works.
So, in short, it's not a bad film and if you're in the mood for something light, fun, and not overly challenging mentally, in short, if you're looking to be entertained, then this movie is a great choice for you. If you can't stand one of these co-stars, you might want to wait until it hits DVD, but otherwise, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this film. I wouldn't see it again in the theater, but I'd rent it again, just for fun.
And, now, with that, I have to sign off and head to the airport. Vacation has officially begun and I'm off to WonderCon in scenic San Francisco. I'll try to do a couple of updates while I'm gone.
(Oh, and don't get any ideas about coming to rob me. My vicious guard dog is still here and people will be checking on my house throughout the weekend.)