Yesterday marked this blog's ten year anniversary.
In ten years, I've made more than 1,700 posts and had more than 1,900 comments, many of those from years when I blogged almost every day. But, it was ten years ago when I uploaded my first entry. I edited it in a text editor of some kind, probably Notepad, and used FTP to push it up to the server. That was back in the days before blogging software and when most of us still called them journals or diaries. I started doing it to try and game the search engines. Mostly, it worked, I think, since the majority of my readers have found me via a search of some kind.
Since that first entry, a lot has changed.
I've been through two different kinds of blogging software. After months of doing it by hand, I converted to Moveable Type. I used that for several years, until the Time of the Troubles, when there was a big fuss over how Moveable Type was going to charge for previously free software, even after promising to keep it free forever. Like most converts, I changed over to WordPress, which I still use today. Moveable Type does have a free version, but, frankly, after learning how easy it was to style and customize WordPress, I can't imagine moving back. Not to mention how much easier it is to make plugins for WordPress. Frankly, I love it.
Ten years ago, I did quite a few entries from the road via my old Palm IIIc with a folding keyboard. I typed them up and then synced that with my PC and pushed the entries from there. That old IIIc doesn't hold a charge too well any more, but I'm still using the same PC I was ten years ago. Of course, I've added a much newer laptop, several other machines, and an iPhone to my technological stable since then. In fact, I was a beta tester for the new iPhone WordPress app!
A lot of other things have changed, too.
For one thing, I married and subsequently divorced the woman I was living with at the time. I've changed jobs, count it, five times, finally staying at my current company for about five years. I survived cancer. But, ironically, after several ups and downs with weight, I'm probably in better shape now than I was ten years ago!
Sure, I'd have liked to had a few more dates in the past ten years, but, I think I've done okay considering the divorce, not to mention the less than stellar marriage and, you know, the cheating death and all. You'd be surprised how tired you get dodging the Grim Reaper!
I've upgraded my Novell certification at least once in that time as well as added a Linux certification. My original plan of using this blog to boost my rankings in the search engines has largely paid off, as I'm consistently the number one or number two hit on Google for the search term "network geek".
In that time, I've taught myself Perl, which is a scripting/programming language that's been called the "duct tape of the Internet". In fact, as of this post, I'm a Level 8 PerlMonk. (It's a geek thing.) I've also gotten reasonably proficient at PHP, since that's the technology which makes WordPress go. At least, I've gotten good enough to write a few simple plugins and even a rough theme. Frankly, I hope to do more of that soon, too.
I've taken up photography since starting this blog, too, and I think I've gotten fairly good at it. Naturally, there's room for improvement, as I've only been doing it for about two years, but, still, it's something I've wanted to do for a long, long time. I'm not very artistically skilled, but photography lets me tap into that in a less intimidating way. I suppose, in a way, so does my obsession with blog themes and logo design.
And, of course, I've started several other blogs or websites in the ten years that I've had this blog. But, don't worry, those sites have been languishing just as badly as this one has the past several months. It's not that I haven't wanted to write, or even had things to write about, but I've just been too busy to sit down and do it.
Though, I do have to admit, part of that sort of writer's block has been about my audience. I mean, if you hit that search function over in the sidebar, you can get pretty interesting access to my life for the past ten years. Oh, sure, not everything makes it into the blog, but I've been pretty candid posting here. I try to keep it clean, mostly, and nothing that would embarrass my mother, but, I have been honest enough to shock a few friends. So, if there's something you want to know about me, just search for it. You may be surprised what you find here!
So, wow.
It's been an interesting experience blogging for the past ten years. I started before the trend was as huge as it was and kept on even when the shine had worn off for many. I can say for sure that I didn't anticipate many of the twists and turns this blog took over the past ten years, much less my life, but it has been an interesting ride. Many of you have been with me for quite some time now and I appreciate you reading along with me here.
I don't know what the next ten years will bring here, or elsewhere in life, but I do hope you'd come along for the ride. I'm sure it will be as big a surprise to me as it is to you!