
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Submarine Service

I've had so many jobs, I've lost track of what my title should be.

I've been called everything from "Network Engineer" to "Server Administrator" to "Network Ninja" to...  Well, let's just say I've been called a lot of things during my career, some nicer than others.  But, in the end, what they all had in common was that I usually spend long hours confined to a small, often dark, usually quite loud, space, never seeing sunlight for days or weeks at a time.  It's not anywhere near as sexy as they make it seem in Hollywood, trust me.  Anyway, back in the day, I described my job to a friend who'd spent some time in the Navy.  His comment was that it sounded like I was a perfect candidate for the Submarine Service.
From what I've read, though, they eat better than instant ramen with leftover pork loin.
*sigh* One day I aspire to live like a human and not a morlock.