Today is Friday the 13th.
In the past, I've posted some of the possible history of the negative superstitions around Friday the 13th. So, today, instead of that, I thought I might give you all some links to helpful ideas to surviving some of the things that may go wrong. Let's start with how to Survive a Plane Crash on the How-To Wiki. I mean, I've lost track of how many times I've been flying on one of these unlucky Fridays, but, well, I suppose that on any one of them I could have found myself going down and in need of these tips.
Now, I tend to think longer term when it comes to bad luck, and I'm fairly sure that the Apocalypse is going to start on a Friday the 13th. So, the best way to survive? Hunker down and wait for civilization to start again. In the mean time, contemplate the preparations suggested in a different Wired feature; Ask an Algorithm: Apocalypse 101. After all, as unlucky as the Apocalypse is bound to be, being unprepared for it would be worse!