So, with all the posts in the past couple weeks about the end of the world, I thought I should share some things about shelters.
No, seriously.
So, here's a link to an article Wired ran on the latest and greatest disaster shelters. And, yes, they're called "disaster survival shelters" now, because we worry about more than fallout. They're not cheap, incidentally, but buying one will help pay taxes here in Texas, so I think you should buy one. Also, they have the advantage of being private. You get to stock it with whatever, and whoever, you think you need to survive the coming apocalypse.
On the other hand, if you'd prefer a more upscale solution, you can buy space in the Terra Vivos underground community. Again, not kidding about this. Discussed quite extensively on Boing Boing, this guy is selling what amount to doomsday timeshares. Could be snake oil, or the smartest deal since the end of the Cold War. You've got about a 50/50 shot of guessing right.
Of course, you could do what they did in the '60's and build your own!