The myth of an operating system that is somehow safe from virii or malware is being busted.
No, seriously, I know all you Mac users are always bragging about how much more safe your operating system is because there isn't any malware written to attack it. I hear it all the time. Well, guess what kids? You're wrong. There is at least one OS X Crimeware Kit, in the wild. And, really, that's just the one that we've seen lately. If researchers have found one, there are probably others. And, I know that there are other exploits in the wild, too. Not as many, sure, but they are out there. And, thanks to you all bragging about how you're safe and being all fan-boy about your OS and telling all your friends how great it is, you're making OS X a more and more attractive target all the time.
Remember, the reason that Windows has so many exploits written for it is because it's installed on so many computers. It's marketing, really. Where's the biggest potential market for software? Right, on the biggest installed base of whatever the popular operating system is. Now, if you were a virus writer, what would you write a virus to run on? Same thing. So, as markets expand, so will the exploits.
Brace yourself. The world is changing.