
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

What to Tweet?

Are you on Twitter?

Most of you who read this blog probably get here via Facebook or Twitter these days.  Yes, I am one of those attention whores that has their Twitter setup to post status updates to Facebook when we tweet.  And, I've taken that a step further by setting my blog to tweet when I have released a new post.
But, sometimes, I just tweet regular, random stuff, just like every other attention whore on Twitter!  I may not tweet photos of what I've eaten for breakfast, but, occasionally, I tweet something that's intended to be funny or insightful.  So, in any case, I know what it's like to try and keep those tweets fresh and interesting.  And, I know, it's not easy!  So, you'll be relieved to know that there IS help!  Help in the form of the website "Yes, that can be my next tweet!"

The web-app will look at your Twitter feed and use programattic magic to analyze patterns to your tweets and mash them together to suggest similar tweets.  Then, of course, you can send them right to your hordes of faithful Twitter followers who are just waiting for your next brilliant tweet about how the stupid traffic made your yummy fast-food breakfast cold!  Or whatever.  No judgement.  (Well, maybe a little.)