
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

I Had Cancer

And, while that IS true, it's not what this post is about, exactly.

When you have cancer, or have survived cancer, you feel alone.  You feel like there isn't anyone in the world who understands you or your life or what you went through or are going through now.  But, at the same time, you know there are others.  You've seen them in waiting rooms and lines and shuffling in and out of hospital rooms and doctor's offices.  They are out there.  And, now, a new social networking site aims to help fellow cancer survivors, and cancer patients, find each other.  It's called I Had Cancer.

So, yeah, I've signed up, and even posted a little bit, but I haven't gotten too far into the "social" part of the site yet, but it's still in Beta anyway.  So, if you had cancer, have cancer, or know someone who did, or does, check out I Had Cancer.
And, check back here Monday, September 12th, for the next entry in my personal cancer story.