
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Old Posts

Yes, I'm cleaning them out.

I've had this blog going, in one form or another for more than eleven years.  In that time, I've gone from writing the HTML pages by hand, often in a text editor, to using two different blogging software packages.  Currently, I'm running WordPress, which I do my best to keep up to date.
However, along the way, I've written a lot of posts that didn't quite make it to the live blog.  So, I've developed a small backlog of posts.  Some of them, I've deleted because they were a little too topical and their time has passed.  Their "freshness date", as it were, has expired.
There are, though, a few posts that are still, I think, relevant.  Those, I'm editing and updating and, in some cases, finally finishing, so that they can see the light of day.  I can't tell you for sure how many there will be, but, as you see posts here referencing old articles various places on the web, that's why.  It's just me working through an eleven-year backlog of incomplete posts that, I think, still have some merit.

I just thought you all should know, in case anyone was curious.