So, today marks another lap around the Sun for me.
Honestly, it was more or less just another day today, except that it happened to be the anniversary of the day of my birth.
I had nothing special planned and, as far as I know, angels did not weep audibly with joy to know that I had navigated another year. Of course, the fact that I've made it this far is actually sort of an accomplishment, I think. There are many who haven't, and, God knows, I've had my share of near misses. But, it's not altogether unusual, either. In fact, according to the actuarial tables, I should expect about another 35 years. *sigh* Which means I'm officially "middle aged". (If any of my younger, female readers are interested in a cheap, empty, meaningless fling, by the way, I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to my mid-life crisis now. In case you were wondering.)
For the most part, this has been a pretty unremarkable year, which is, actually, good.
No major emotional upheavals, no catastrophic medical drama. Financially, I could have done better, but, then, I could have done far, far worse, too. Several sections of my car are new, though the rest is pretty old, but feel that's balanced by my new camera. Actually, come to think of it, I may have more invested in camera gear than I do in my car!
Still not dating and still a little heavier than I'd like, but I don't feel particularly lonely or unhealthy, as the case may be.
So, nothing particularly interesting to cheer about or complain about this year, which suits me just fine.
Of course, I do have a few bits of mischief planned or in the works for the coming year. So, who knows? Maybe next year will be more exciting than I can imagine to make up for how relatively smoothly this year has been!
And, of course, my birthday wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention all the other famous people who had the good luck to be born on this particular day. Famous people like Frank "Chairman of the Board" Sinatra, Jennifer Connelly, Bob Barker, Gustave Flaubert, who is the author of Madame Bovary, the painter Edvard Munch, and Wells Fargo founder, Henry Wells. Not to mention, Mike Pinder of the Moody Blues, Tim Hauser of Manhattan Transfer, Dickey Betts of the Allman Bros, jazz musician Grover Washington Jr, and former mayor of New York City, Ed Koch.
All heady company to be sure, but for whatever reason, it tickles me the most that I share a birthday with Frank Sinatra. I guess it's because he was such a unique and original character who really fought against and beat some long odds to become an amazingly famous, generally well thought of character. I can only hope to do the same, one day.
Also, I think it's interesting to note that on this day in 1896 Marconi first demoed radio and, again on this day, in 1901 made his first Trans-Atlantic transmission. (Though, of course, all right-thinking people know that Tesla was really responsible for those first advances in radio.)
So, I don't know for sure what the coming year will bring, but I hope I'll be in a different place than I am today.
Which is, of course, more or less what I said last year! But, this year, truly, I have no idea where I'll end up going or doing. I have few attachments or real responsibilities to hold me back or down, outside of those in my own head, so the field is pretty much wide open. I've all but given up setting goals out load, on paper or via this blog, but I do have a few things I'd like to accomplish in the coming year, though I'll be keeping those to myself, for now. I really don't know where the coming year will take me, but I'm sure it will be to places, inside and out, that I never would have suspected possible a year ago.
And, for that, I'm very thankful!
(And, yes, I am aware that the world is supposed to end next year, quite possibly on my birthday. And, wouldn't it be interesting if it did?!)