
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Under Construction

No, not this blog or website.

Do you remember the days when we were building websites so fast that we couldn't keep up?  Back when it was actually sort of pricey to buy a domain name?  Do you remember the days when as soon as anyone bought a domain they threw up a quick "Under Construction" page?  Ah, those were the days....
Honestly, I don't know what we were thinking. No one had a plan to actually make money from the web, but we were all so excited about what this new medium, this new technology, might do for us, that didn't seem to matter.  And, we were in such a rush to do something, anything, that the idea of running a test site that wasn't live hadn't really occurred to us yet.  So, we'd make these pages that were filled with breathless text about how the next great thing was coming soon and how excited we were and "please excuse our mess while we build the future".  And we littered the page with these awful "Under Construction" graphics.

Well, prepare yourself.  Give yourself a little time to adjust.  Have a cup of coffee and get ready to have internet startup PTSD flashbacks, then go look at all of the Under Construction graphics known to the web.  They're all there.  Even the ones in Japanese with the little anime characters.  They're all there.
Look on these works and despair!

No, seriously, go have a blast of nostalgia and take a look at them.  Just don't use them ever again.
And, happy Friday, y'all!