Some music to create the Great American Novel by.
Or, you know, whatever it is you need to write.
Back in October, I brought you a link to soundtracks for your books, but this week, it's music that will hopefully inspire your writing. I know a lot of people who write to music, whether that's PHP code, or fiction, or even blog entries. And, of course, there are as many opinions about not only whether to listen to music or not, but what kind of music to listen to, as there are writers. When I was writing more than I do now, I have to admit, I always had something on in the background, whether it was music or television or something else, just to keep part of my mind busy while I wrote. And, when I got stuck, changing the music, or other background noise, often is what got me "un-stuck".
So, whether you're stuck or not, why not check out this article at NeuroTribes titled "Music to Write By" and see what ten very different writers have to say on the subject. Who knows? You may pick up some new tunes to help you the next time you get writer's block!
Besides, you know if you're reading my blog, you aren't working any more this week anyway, so you may as well check it out.
Have a great weekend, y'all!