I love my Nook!
I love books and I love reading, but I never thought I'd like any of the ereaders. There were just too many potential problems with it. For one thing, I didn't want to get locked into one particular ebook system or store. But, I still wanted it to be easy to use and adaptable to my needs. For years, I was pretty much out of luck. Then, I read an article about rooting the Nook Color so that you could load Android apps on it like a tablet, while still being able to use it like a regular Nook. Finally! So, naturally, I did that and loaded up the Kindle app and, just like that, I was around my biggest concern. Okay, there was also the fact that it was less than half as much as an iPad, too, because, sure, I could have loaded the Nook app and the Kindle app on the iPad and been okay that way, too. But, that's not how a geek like me rolls, yo.
And, all was well, until I got that Pogoplug about a year ago.
I wanted to move all my files, including all my PDF documents to my Pogoplug, but the rooted Nook couldn't download the most up-to-date version of the Pogoplug app, which meant I had the devil's own time opening PDFs on it. Argh!
Then, I heard that Barnes and Noble had added the ability to download apps from the Google Play store on their Nook HD series readers! Wow! I couldn't believe how lucky I was! Suddenly, without even rooting, I could upgrade my device and get all the things I really wanted on a cheap tablet! Blammo! Even better, though, when I went in to get the Nook HD, the smaller of the two modern Nooks, I found out they were all on sale! So, with very little prompting from my fiance, I gave myself an instant upgrade and got the larger, more powerful Nook HD+. In fact, I got the 32G version, for the extra storage, because, well, one never knows.
Now, I'm addicted!
And, sadly, the Nook will probably be going away some time this year. Or, at least, if the pundits are all to be believed. We'll see, I suppose. In the mean time, I'll keep using my Nook HD+ and upload the books to Google Play, which you can now do, thankfully. At least, up to 1,000 or so, which should be enough for me.
(But, I'll be honest, I'm hoping Barnes and Noble doesn't kill the Nook line of products, because I really do love mine.)