I feel the need to beef up this blog some.
Back in the early days, I blogged here almost daily.
Clearly, things have changed. When I first started this blog it was, well, sort of everything. I used it mostly for professional stuff. Stories from the workplace and cool tech things I'd done and interesting tech news. And, lo, through the years I wrote many, many things of interested only to hardcore geeks like me. Then, things got more interesting. And, by that I mean my personal life kind of imploded. So, as that was on my mind, that was what I posted about. In fact, that was what I posted about ad nauseum.
But, then, I got tired of spewing my personal business out all over the place where all my co-workers could see, so I kind of just stopped posting anything outside of the regular Friday fun link of some kind, which eventually moved to my other site and were just replicated here. And, that makes me sad. So, here's the thing. I'm going to try and post more and more tech stuff, too.
When I wrote the Free LogMeIn Alternative post a couple weeks ago, it occurred to me that one thing I might do is start posting cool hardware or software geek tools that I've found or have used over the years. Kind of like the very excellent Cool Tools, by Kevin Kelly, except they'd all be things that I personally saw or researched or used myself. I'm not going to farm this out to anyone else. Which is not to say that I would welcome suggestions for things to check out in the comments, but I'm not looking for anyone to do the writing for me and just edit their words.
But, to keep my sanity, I'll only post them on Tuesdays and, even then, I probably won't post on every single Tuesday. (Baby steps, people, baby steps!) And, because I use tools and technology beyond what I use for work or computers, I'll almost certainly include other things, too. In fact, at least one tool that I use every laundry day, thanks to my blushing bride, leaps to mind as a non-tech tool that still really gives me extra time and organization in my life that I absolutely have to share and write about!
So, as the saying goes, watch this space for more details!
(And, yes, I may include links that give me an affiliate bump if you buy, but I'll warn you if I do, so you know about any conceivable bias on my part. I promise!)
Anyway, stay tuned for more, and hopefully relevant, blog content, coming soon!