I'm prepared to answer these, are you?
So, I'm still looking for work, but at two weeks, I suppose that's to be expected.
I've had a couple phone interviews and I'm waiting to have a couple more. Generally, if I can get an interview with a technical manager, I can sell myself well enough to get a job I have the experience to actually do. Often, I can sell myself well enough to land I job I don't know how to do, yet.
In either case, the only way to do it is preparation. Know the questions I'll be asked and know my answers.
U.S. News and World Reports has a great slideshow of the ten most common interview questions, with some advice about answering them. That's a great place to start.
Glassdoor expands that list to fifty of the most common interview questions, and while I certainly would recommend reading those, having answers that are prepared without looking memorized is the real key here.
Monster.com takes that list even further, to 100 interview questions, and goes way beyond the common ones. While it certainly can't hurt to peruse them, I'd really focus on the short list.
If you need help preparing, check out How to Ace the 50 Most Common Interview Questions on Forbes.com. There's a brief video on that page that auto-plays, so be aware. Frankly, I really respect Forbes and they give some great advice about how to answer questions in an interview.
In the end, it really comes down to preparation and practice. Sadly, I've had a lot of practice on job interviews. The important thing is to be honest and consider how what you say reflects on you and whether or not your prepared answers will show your true colors. Also, practice with a friend who can give you honest feedback. Or, barring that, record yourself so you can see what you look like while interviewing and hear how you sound in giving responses. It may be enlightening!
If you're out there looking for work like me, I wish you the best of luck!