
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Happy Independence Day

On this day in 1776, more than 230 years ago, our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.

It is a national holiday here in the States, in case that wasn't clear to my non-US readers. I think, though, that a lot of people here have forgotten just why the day is so important. Oh, sure, it's nice to have a day off. In fact, I'm enjoying it now, having gotten up late and not planning an overly taxing day. But, the Fourth of July, Independence Day, is about a lot more than hot dogs, BBQ, fireworks, parades, and apple pie.

Bit of Unexpected Downtime

Some of you may have noticed that my site went down for bit today.

Well, it was just a bit of hardware problem at my web hosting company.  They've fixed it and I'm back up and running.  Sadly, I did temporarily lose one post from yesterday, which I've recreated, but I've also lost comments made yesterday.  No way to get those back, really, as they weren't on the backup and I don't have a personal backup, either.

So, my apologies to anyone effected.

Flowers for Algernon

Science-fiction has become science fact yet again.

I know why a lot of writers have stopped trying to write science fiction, at least the good, old, hard science kind of science fiction. We are on such a fast development cycle of science and technology that predicting the future is almost impossible.