Money from Equifax
Your credit information has likely been stolen.
Your credit information has likely been stolen.
Not just doing more in less time.
Look, I'm going to admit something to you here. I'm lazy. Not only that, but I feel terrible about it.
Yes, that probably will come as a shock to most people who know me in real life, away from this strange digital construct we call blogging, but it's true. I'm not just lazy and unmotivated, but I'm slow and super unproductive. I waste so much time I cannot even begin to conceive of a metaphor that encapsulates the enormity of my personal, moral failing. And, I promise you, I am not even kidding.
So, you know, happy Friday.
That's a long title for something only a few of my hardcore readers will be interested in.
This is mostly of local interest and probably would have been more help last week.
Or, as I like to remind people, correlation is not causation.
Comic books are cool.
And, yes, that's pronounced like the peanut butter by all right-minded geeks.
Also known as "opsec for computer users".
I love science fiction film.
Or videos. Or books. Pretty much anything science fiction related is worth a look from me.
Once upon a time, I wanted to be a science fiction author. Not just a writer, but an author, which, to me, implies publication. I wanted to scifi's answer to Ernest Hemingway. Instead, I became a professional computer geek and a consumer of science fiction in all its forms. Well, you win some and you lose some. At least I have that business degree to fall back on, right?
The Bard's influence is deep and wide.