
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Don't Give Up!

If you've been grinding away at your NaNoWriMo novel, don't give up!

Seriously, no matter how close you are, or are not, to getting 50,000 words of your novel out before the end of the month, keep writing. It's the only way your dream of writing a novel will come true.  I know it's hard, because I've tried at least twice, but if you've been writing regularly this month, you've already done more than most people.  And, possibly, you've done more...
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Naming Names

Naming is hard.

Naming things can be one of the most difficult tasks for an author. Whether it's naming people, places or things, the endless work of finding just the right name, one that sounds realistic and fits the circumstances, can be trying work. For me, place names are the hardest to do well. No matter what the setting, naming towns and streets can be challenging. As it turns out, it can be challenging in the so-called "real" world, too. Back...
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Friday the Thirteenth

That's right, today is Friday the Thirteenth.

I used to assume that Friday the Thirteenth was considered unlucky due to some Biblical association, since so many superstitions seem to tie back to some obscure custom related to religion. Personally, I assumed it had something to do with Judas being the Thirteenth Apostle or some such. But, I've since found out that nothing could be further from the truth. As it turns out, Friday the Thirteenth is considered unlucky because of its association...
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Some Starting Advice

Advice for writers.

Specifically, for writers attempting to complete the National Novel Writing Month challenge.
First, jump over to Writer's Digest and check out their 30 Tips for Writing a Book in 30 Days.  And, also, keep in mind that you'll have 31 days to do it, but, if you haven't started already, you've wasted at least five days.   (But, it's still not too late!)  But, I'm going to assume you have started and maybe just need a distraction from all...
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Start Your NaNoWriMo Manuscript!

If you're going to do it, now's the time.

Personally, I'm not going to have time, again, this year, though I'd dearly love to join in the challenge of writing 50,000 words of fiction for National Novel Writing Month.  November has never been the best month for me to do this, with all the social obligations and extra work I often have around the holidays.  Still, as I always say, maybe next year.

So, yes, this month I'll be posting resources for...
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Halloween Movies For Free

Staying in this year? Why not watch a movie?!

No, seriously, why not watch a scary movie on Halloween?
Honestly, I'm not usually into scary movies, because, well, they mostly aren't actually scary.  But, I do dig some of the classics, like George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, which is often cited as the true genesis of the current zombie craze.  And, the other classic, black and white film Nosferatu terrified me when I was a kid, even though it was...
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Movie Makeup for Halloween

There's still time, if you're going to dress up for Halloween!

Personally, I don't bother, but, if you do, then there is still some time to work in some high-quality make-up to your costume.  I love watching shows about science-fiction effects and monster makeup, like SyFy's Face Off, and I've always wanted to do that stuff, but I never seem to have the time.  And, I have so little artistic skill that I have a hard time coloring inside the lines!...
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