
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Upgrade Your Instant Noodles

I love ramen noodles, much to my blushing bride's chagrin.

I never understood what the stigma around eating instant ramen was all about.  I love instant ramen!  I've tried lots of different varieties, but mostly for flavor ideas.  Maybe it's the cheapskate in me, but I love the cheapest instant ramen we can get at our local grocery store; Maruchan Instant Lunch.  They're a mere 29 cents each most of the time and often go on sale at 10 for a...
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Apollo Archive

I love space.

Recently, thanks to the Martian, there's been a lot of attention on NASA and space exploration.  Frankly, I think there should be more attention paid to the incredible work that NASA does and a larger portion of our National budget should be spent on what they do.
As a photographer, I admire the large volume of images that they release to the public domain every year.  Images that inspire.  Images that educate.  Images that, I hope, lead us to...
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Woodblock GIFs

Those are pronounced like the spreadable peanut product, by the way, with a soft "J" sound.

So, you know, don't be a heathen and pronounce it like "gift" with the "t" left off. The creators intended it the other way.
But, I already digress.  The point isn't to reinforce the correct way to say it, but rather to give you a link to view some.  And, not just any GIFs, but some very beautiful, creative GIFs based on ancient Japanese woodblock prints....
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Best Air Show Ever!

I don't know about you, but I sure could use a little escape this week!

Seriously, with IT staff and consultants visiting from another country for the launch of a super important project at work this week, I'm pretty wiped out.  I could use a little escapism.  So, nothing to learn this week, or even make you think too hard, really.  Just a bit of science-fiction fantasy to feast your eyes on.
As a kid, I grew up literally under a flight...
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How much money are you making?

How much money are you making right now?

I mean, as the time ticks by, are the dollars and cents racking up? And how does the rate at which you make money compare to other people in the US?  They say that comparison is the root of all unhappiness, but, when it comes to salary and money, I don't really know.  I mean, I hate to admit it, but I very easily lose perspective on where I fit.
I have a friend who...
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Free Star Trek Movie

Want to watch a free 90 minute Star Trek movie?

No, it's not an officially sanctioned, studio-made movie, but it still looks pretty good.
And, it has some stars from the franchise in it, reprising their characters, albeit in roles that have changed or progressed from where they were in the series.  Yes, it's entirely fan-made, and fan-sponsored via three Kickstarter campaigns.  (See?  Sometimes Kickstarter does actually produce things!)

Art History - Photography Style

Browse classic photographic artists and be inspired.

Or, just waste time.
Whichever suits you, it doesn't matter to me, unless you're wasting time at my office. And, really, even then I don't care as long as you're not wasting my time.  In any case, browsing photography is one of my favorite ways to kill a little Friday-afternoon-and-I-don't-want-to-do-real-work time, so I thought I'd share this.  It comes to us via DIY Photography and they got it from Reddit.  It's the Red List's historical...
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Writing Pot-Boilers

We're not talking cookbooks here.

Pot-Boilers, far from collections of recipes, are quickly written stories of, sometimes, dubious quality that are sold cheaply.  The name comes from the idea that writers cranked these out to meet their regular expenses, or "keep the pot boiling", as it were.  You might be familiar with them as "pulp fiction" or the somewhat more modern "airport novel".