
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Style Maker

Hopefully, you all won't be too disappointed to not see links to a bunch of other blogs today.

I hate to admit it, but I wrote this at the last minute because I've been so busy.  So, if you all think this is lame today, well, I don't blame you.  I'll try to do better for next week and the rest of the month.  No promises, though.
As you may know, I dabble in WordPress, which just updated to a new version...
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Photography Blogs to Follow, Part Two

As implied last week, here are some more photography blogs to follow.

I spend a fortune on camera gear.  I try not to, and lately, I haven't had the spare cash, but it's hard to resist the lure of that new, shiny bit of gear!  Thankfully, there's a blog to help me with that; DIY Photography.  In fact, over the years, if you're a faithful reader of this blog, you've seen me link to these folks regularly.  They have tutorials for...
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Photography Blogs to Follow, Part One

Yes, this implies at least a "Part Two".

Maybe even a part three.  We'll see on that part, but at least two.
I've been at my new job for five weeks now and, frankly, I'm so exhausted by the end of the day, I haven't really had anything left over for hobbies.  In fact, I've barely had any energy left over for watching television or reading.  So, you know, my photography has been, well, languishing, just a bit.  What that means, too,...
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Free eBooks for Photographers

Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love free and I love photography!

This week, I've got both for you!

Actually, I can't believe I haven't shared this collection of Twenty-Three Free Photography eBooks before!  I know LightStalking has shared them before, but, well, apparently I haven't passed that all on to you, my dear faithful readers, before now.  Granted, I may have shared some of the actual books listed before, but not the full collection.

Free MIT Photography

So, I'm not quite done with the free photography links.

Again, specifically, links to a free photography course. This was shared by PetaPixel last month, but it's so good, I wanted to make sure you didn't miss it.
MIT has established a free learning annex on-line which they call "MIT OpenCourseWare".  Through this program, they offer all kinds of classes on a wide range of topics, all based on classes taught at MIT at one time or another, of course.  I was...Read More

Photography Link Grab Bag

Since I start my new day job this coming Monday, I'm slacking a little and just sharing some kind of random links about basic photographic technique.

One of the things you see a lot of photographers do, especially if they want to "go pro" and shoot portraits, is something called "seamless paper".  Basically, it's a huge, long roll of colored paper that you tape up to a wall or hang from a pole to get a smooth, uninterrupted, but still plain...
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