
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Psychadelic GIFs

That's pronounced like the peanut butter brand, by the way.

At least, that's how the original creators pronounced it, back when Compuserve was a thing.  They created the GIF as a compressed graphic format to minimize data usage back in the "Days of Dial-up" for Compuserve when modems ruled the Earth.  But, I bet they never thought that their "little" contribution to computer culture would go so far.  For instance, when the GIF came out, it didn't have animation as a...
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Fast Fiction

In this case, really fast.

I'll be honest, I'm not normally a huge fan of gimmicky flash fiction, but I do make exceptions.
The basic idea is to write a story with the fewest number of words possible.  According to literary legend, Ernest Hemingway did it with just six words; "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn".  That was allegedly to win a bet with Ezra Pound, as I recall.  In any case, it's still a gimmick and one that's gotten a little...
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Whoops! I just realized that it was Tuesday and I hadn't written a "Tools for Tuesday" post!

I knew this would happen sooner or later, but I had planned on later rather than sooner.
Oh, well, it is what it is, I suppose.  In any case, don't worry I have a lot more to write about, but the time to write it may be a bit more elusive than I had anticipated.


People who know me, know that I love my goofy t-shirts.

You know, it's been a long couple of months and I'm pretty drained creatively, in part due to being super busy at my day job, so I've kind of given up sharing anything but purely fun links on Fridays for the next couple of weeks. Deal with it.

This week, it's t-shirt sites.
Yes, I wear a lot of strange and interesting t-shirts from a lot of places.  I don't remember why...
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Free Movies

Some are better than others, but at least they're free.

So, yeah, I'm pretty tapped out when it comes to creativity or creative content this week.  It's kind of been a busy, challenging week in a lot of ways and I just am drained of whatever little bit of creativity I may have this week.  I mean, I'm just out.  But, I post something every Friday, so I'm trying to maintain that little bit of consistency at least.
At least my frustration...
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Finding New Things To Photograph

I write a lot about photography here, which is a little like dancing about architecture.

I've kind of lost my way with photography subjects.
I'm too busy to do some of the things I used to do, like wander the streets aimlessly during festivals and just go hang out in Galveston on a cloudy day.  I still go to the Houston Zoo, but not as often as I used to.  Besides, let's face it, after three years of going every month, even...
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