
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

More Free eBooks

So, I've kind of been on a big ebook, Nook, freebie kick this month and I figured I might as well just go ahead and continue with that.

There are actually a lot of places to search up free ebooks, but I found a great list of places to get free books specifically for the Nook at EBookFriendly.com.  They have quite a long list there that's worth checking out, but I want to point out two particularly good sources from that...
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425 Free eBooks

Wow, what a busy week!

I'm sorry that my weekly post of something fun and free isn't more than this or more in keeping with a theme for the month, but, well, it's the best I can do this week.  I'm not absolutely sure that I haven't used this link before, in fact, but, if I did, I'm sure they've since added more material to their site.

This week, I've got a link to 425 free ebooks!

They've got everything from classics of...
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Short Fiction for the Nook

Can you tell I'm really enjoying my new Nook HD+?

I hadn't really intended for this to be my focus this month, my personal choice of ereader, but, well, sometimes these things just happen.
I love my Nook and I enjoyed my last one, too, which, honestly, is a surprise to me.  I used to be one of those hipster snobs who "preferred actual books" to these new-fangled, science-fictional tablety reader things.  And, now, here I am.
Another reason I love it is...
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Picking New Fiction

I like to read.

In fact, I like to read a lot, as anyone who's spent time with me can tell you.  I have to admit, I read a lot of trash, but, still, at least I'm reading.  And, since getting my newest Nook HD+ back around Mother's Day, I've been reading more than ever.  I cannot tell you how much I love this thing.  I suppose the Kindles are the same way, but since Barnes and Noble has upgraded their...
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Writerly Advice

There is no shortage of advice for writers.

And, honestly, the advice you like least is probably the best for you.  Why do I say that?  Because the advice that rankles you the most is probably digging at the precise issue that you have as a writer and are trying to ignore.  Or, is that just my Freudian slip showing?
I hate to admit it, but I fall into the classic traps of wanna-be fiction writer all the time.  My biggest failing? ...
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Rainy Coffee Shop

Remember two weeks ago?  When I was talking about ambient coffee shop sounds?

Well, now someone has come out with an improvement, at least in my mind; rain.
So, really, this one is even simpler than the last one.  There's just two buttons; one to turn on the "cafe sounds" and one to turn on the "rain".  That's it.  Though, I assume if you want some music, you can just go ahead and play your regular MP3 player of choice as well...
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Draft - Version Control For Writers

I am a geek.

This may be self-evident based on the fact that I work in IT and maintain several websites including two blogs, but the implications of that may not be clear.
In software development, of which I have done very, very little, there's a concept called "version control".  In brief, it's about keeping track of the latest revision of your written source code, so that you can revert, if necessary, to an older version for part of the code, when...
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Coffee Shop Sounds

A relatively recent study says that the background noise of a coffee shop can boost your creativity.

I tend to subscribe to the attitude of one of my favorite authors, John Scalzi, espoused in his book You're Not Fooling Anyone When You Take Your Laptop To A Coffee Shop.  And, actually, the title of that book is pretty much how he feels.  I have to agree.  When someone takes their laptop to a coffee shop to "write", let's face it, their...
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Write More Quickly

with the DASH method!

I hate to admit it, but when I write on this blog, or any of my blogs, really, I often find myself floundering about.
Sometimes, I just keep typing until something mildly coherent comes out.  But, the better posts are the result of me stopping for a few minutes and contemplating what message I'm trying to get across to my readers.  And, although I haven't written fiction in many years, it used to work the same way there,...
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