Creating A World
It's been said that every writer creates the world in their fiction, even if it's not science-fiction, for their characters to explore.
Photographers can do the same thing.
It's been said that every writer creates the world in their fiction, even if it's not science-fiction, for their characters to explore.
Photographers can do the same thing.
So, as promised, or threatened, this month I've got nothing but photography posts for you on Friday.
Two weeks ago, I mentioned how I wanted to do more portrait work and gave you a link to a portrait cropping guide.
Well, I have to admit, one of the reasons I want to do more portrait work is because I find people a little challenging sometimes. Believe it or not, I'm actually really shy, and have been most of my life. One of...
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Cool light techniques.
I love doing tricky things in camera.
Look, I work with software all day long at my regular gig, so when I get home, I don't really want to spend hours and hours working with Photoshop to make a "photograph". To me, the whole point is to make photographs with the camera, not with software. I know, it probably makes me an antique, but, well, there it is.
I've done some work with light painting, though, thanks to my tragic...
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More photography links this month.
"Two is one and one is none".
I've quoted that a lot over the years. I've reminded people over and over again that just moving your data to an external drive is NOT a backup. If you can't afford to destroy it, then it's not backed up. I've said all those things.
And, yet, on Tuesday, I lost data because it wasn't backed up.
One of the many things I love about photography is its ability to shift my perspective.
But, sometimes, I need to adjust the perspective of my photographs!
I take a lot of different kinds of photos. Mostly, I take candid shots of people and animals, but I also take photos of my friends' art as well as the occasional bit of industrial work, as you can see in my local photo gallery. On very rare occasions, I'll take architectural photos, but only...
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Although, I suppose it doesn't have to be Japanese...
I really need to start generating original content instead of posting links to someone else's work.
I'll get on that Real Soon Now, but in the mean time, I'm going to continue the way I've been going.
So, as anyone who's followed this blog more than a month knows, I'm into photography. Granted, I haven't hardly touched my camera in months because I've been busy cleaning my house with my girlfriend and helping her move in, but, still, I do love photography. ...
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Remember how I wrote last week that this month was going to be a little random?
This is what I meant.
So, people who know me well know that I love instant ramen noodles. In fact, just back in January, I was going on about the joy of ramen and how much I loved it in all its reconstituted glory. Well, once upon a time, I thought I would share my love of ramen with the world by rating all the different...Read More
Really, it's about dust and keeping it out of your camera, but, let's be honest, that really is the biggest issue in keeping your camera clean.
As part of their "photography 101" series, The Photo Argus recently ran a story titled "Caring for the DSLR Body and Lenses", but it primarily focused on cleaning the body of the DSLR, including the sensor, and keeping dust out of the body going forward. And, to be fair, dust in the body, especially on...
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