
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Color Scheme Designer

I am not a designer.

This may be painfully evident from the look and feel of this website, which, I did not code myself.  It is a WordPress-based website which, at best, I have "themed" myself, but with lots of help from code "borrowed" via Google and other sources.  In fact, there are so many code sources it would be hard to link to them all or list them all or thank them all.  It's the way of the web, I'm...
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Adding Style To Your Webpages

I am NOT a designer or web programmer.

Sure, I've dabbled with Perl enough to be a Level 11 Perl Monk on Perlmonks.org, but I'm not really a programmer.  And I'm sure not a designer, either, even though I can appreciate really good design work.  In fact, my ex-wife used to say that I was from the "big orange button" school of design, because I was more interested in the technology behind the button you pushed on a website than making...
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Ramen Info

Readers from my other blog will know that I love both ramen noodles and infographics.

It's almost a kind of sickness, I'll admit, but I really love ramen.  I don't care that they aren't necessarily the healthiest thing for me to eat, because I know there are worse things, and I love them.  The past two weeks I've linked to things that will help you eat healthier and help you eat less.  This week, I figure you've about given up on...
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Vitamins from Food

A healthy mind is a creative mind!

And, let's face it, a healthy mind is supported by a healthy body.  Exercise is one aspect of that, but at a more fundamental level, properly fueling our bodies and minds is, I think, the most important first step.  Last week, I linked to a site to help you put your diet on autopilot.  This week, I'm suggesting that you maximize your vitamin intake.  Not through taking supplements, though that's not a bad idea...
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Put Your Diet on Autopilot

So, we're eleven days into the New Year.  How are  your resolutions holding up?

If you're like most people, you've made a personal commitment to eat better and lose weight in the coming year.  But, like most people, that little resolution won't last through the end of the first quarter.  Well, the good news is that this is easier than committing to adding exercise to your daily routine!  No, the answer isn't to go out and buy Tim Ferriss' books, the 4-Hour...
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Day One

On this day, in 1660, arguably the most famous diarist in history, Samuel Pepys, made the first entry into his personal diary.

He kept his diary for approximately nine years, detailing everything from his personal life to the news of the day to even what he ate.  Although he clearly kept his diary purely as a personal exercise, he must have suspected that it may eventually prove interesting to future generations based on the care he took to bind it and...
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