
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Word Games

I likes me some games!

I would imagine many of my readers do, too.  Also, I suspect that you all are more than a little fond of words, as am I.  So, naturally, when I stole this link, er, saw this link on another site, I knew you'd love to see it, too.  The site is called Word Games and that pretty well sums up what that site is all about.

Hey, it's Friday and if you were reading this, you obviously weren't working anyway, so you might as well check it out!

Real Life Superhero Project

Right, who didn't want to be a superhero when they were a kid?

Whether it was Batman or Superman or Spiderman or, yes, even Wonder Woman, surely, anyone my age and younger wanted to be some kind of superhero when they were a kid.  Those costumed crusaders inspired us all, to some level, as kids, didn't they?  Well, apparently, some of us never grew up because, yes, there are still people dressing up in costumes trying to inspire people.  In this case, it's the Real Life Superhero Project.

DIY Mini-Softbox

No, that's not some collapsible shipping container.

It's camera equipment!  Why pay huge money for a little, tiny softbox for your hot-shoe flash when you can just make one?  Yep, fold yourself a mini-softbox from a sheet of A4 paper!  Okay, sure, it can't be as good as a professionally made commercial product, but, when budgets are tight, it may not be a bad second choice.

Besides, what else are you photographers who are stuck in the office going to do on a Friday?