
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Fancy Jewelboxes

Tired of boring CD cases for your self-produced work?

Try Jewelboxes.
They're easy to assemble and fully customizable.  Not quite on par with the big-budget commercial printing runs that someone like Microsoft or Sony or someone like that would do, but a whole lot better than a Post-It and a Sharpie!
Seriously, they're pretty cool, so check them out.

Windows 7 Virtual Machine

I probably should have posted this last week, when it was fresh, but...

So, I have this issue at work.  We run an older version of Autodesk Inventor.  Actually, Inventor 10, which we really only use for AutoCAD 2006.  But, this presents a problem.  You see, this version of Inventor won't install on Windows 7.  Might work on Vista, but who in their right mind would run Vista?  Right, so, I've got a problem.  If I want to upgrade someone's Windows version, or even their whole machine, I can't.  So, what to do?

I Don't Live Here Anymore

Wow, after ten years, it really seems like I've run out of words here.

I lost my idea notebook the other day and, while I'd like to use that as an excuse for being out of words, that's not really it.  Actually, I've probably written more in the two or three days since losing it than in the more than eighteen months of recording stray thoughts in it.  Thoughts, incidentally that never made it out of that notebook and into any other form.  Sort of was defeating the purpose of keeping a notebook, wasn't it?

Keep Theives From Preying On Your Laptop

Pardon the pun, but I hope it got your attention.

If you're like most people who read this blog, you probably have at least one laptop.  Now, it may run Windows or Mac or even Linux, but, you likely have one and you wonder what might happen if it gets stolen.  Wonder no more.

Now, there's free, Open Source software called Prey, hence the pun, that will track your stolen laptop.

Power Twitter

I have a power problem.

Well, to be more precise, my office has a power problem.
Though, maybe it's more accurate to call it a "power inconvenience" than anything else.  We make great, big, huge cranes.  These cranes take a lot of power, so when we're testing them, our building suffers from huge power fluctuations.