iPhone Projector
Okay, I know the iPhone is amazing, but this really is cool!
Get Ript!
Oh, yeah, now this is equality.
Lifetime Security Certification
So, I've been thinking about getting yet another professional certification.
Fancy Knot
Does anyone even wear neckties any more?
The History of Klingon
So, who would have thought that Slate would write a piece on the History of Klingon? Yeah, me neither.
But, um, they did. So, you know, it's Friday, why not go read it and see how the rest of the geeks live, eh?
What? All kinds of geeks are supposed to be cool now!
(And, sorry for a short one today, but this is a long month, right?)
There's An App For That
No, I'm not going to write an article about the guy who saved his own life in Haiti with an iPhone app.