Home Servers
What? Doesn't every one run servers at home?
What? Doesn't every one run servers at home?
No, I haven't made one.
But, someone has, in fact, made their own coilgun pistol. It's probably not quite deadly, but it also only cost about $135 to make and looks pretty damn cool. Now, what's taking the U.S. Military so long to come up with their own? Or, why haven't they taken this one and improved it to something deadly?
Okay, maybe it's more than a little random...
Here's the thing, see, I spend a lot of time doing all kinds of weird stuff at the office. I mean, I almost never have the same kind of day twice. Really, the most consistent thing I do is go to lunch at more or less the same time every day. Seriously.
But, along the way, I end up with some strange things in my browser. All work related, of course, but, still an odd collection. Here are a few things I found hanging around this week:
No, I haven't done it. Yet.
But, when I do, I probably won't end up using MythTV, like I thought I would. Rather, I think I'll be using BoxxeeBox. Where MythTV is geared toward making a DVR, like Tivo, BoxxeeBox is more geared toward making home theater/multimedia machine, which is really what I want.
So, yeah, there are options. Check this one out if you're thinking about building a home theater machine. It's worth considering.
Okay, so this may not be of interest to many of my readers.
So, if you're like me, last week when you were thinking about setting a couple New Year's Resolutions, you were thinking about money.
I'm not much for making impossible to keep, blue-sky new year's resolutions.