Everything Old…
is new again!
Well, I successfully moved HavePalmWillTravel to my new web host. And, cancelled the old account. And, got my 10% discount from my new web host, The Host Group. So, I start the year off by saving money. Cool.
Of course, now, I really should update it. A Network Geek’s work is never done.
Well, it sure has been an interesting year. A little rocky at the start, but things seem to be working out okay. Of course, I’m being a little careful these days when I talk about my job. See, I’m still a contractor and I really need to go full-time for the health benefits. Sure, the folks there complain about them, but it’s better than COBRA. And, of course, there are all the issues regarding income and creditors. The less said about that, the better. But, hey, last year at this time, not only was I not working, but I didn’t know how long it would be until I was working again! So, I’m not complaining.
And, my other website, Fantasist.net is doing fairly well. At least, I like the work I’ve managed to do on it this year. Sure, I need to do more. There are some sections that really need to be beefed up, but it’s better than the lame, little page I had there before. And, just today I figured out how to make this lovely blog system cough up foregin language dates to my specifications, so I can finally implement my web-fiction idea. Stay tuned for more on that!
In the meantime, have a Happy New Year!