Home Brew TiVo?
Hmm, this looks cool.
Of course, the big expense is getting that TV tuner card. And, I have no idea how that works with cable, or digital cable, but it must be doable. In any case, this article on Wired News seems to indicate that someone, somewhere has done it. I’m not sure that I could do it without a lot of effort, but, I have to admit that I’ve always wanted a TiVo. I’m just too, too cheap to shill out that kind of regular fee, though. I mean, really, digital cable is expensive enough! Still, being able to string together all the episodes of, say, the Justice League without any commercials. Or, better yet, X-Men:Evolution… Hmm, that’d be nice. Well, maybe I’ll do that one day. Should I solict donations to pay for it? Hmm, maybe that’s going a bit too far!