Diary of a Network Geek

The trials and tribulations of a Certified Novell Engineer who's been stranded in Houston, Texas.


Netware 3.2!

Filed under: Career Archive,Deep Thoughts,Geek Work,Novell — Posted by the Network Geek during the Hour of the Hare which is in the early morning or 7:00 am for you boring, normal people.
The moon is Waxing Gibbous

WOW! Talk about a blast from the past!

So, I’m just sittin’ there, minding my own business, trying to look casual while reading e-mail and the boss walks in and starts firing questions about Netware licensing at me. Naturally, I’m suspicious from the start, but I listen and answer questions as best I can.
Not too long ago, we bought a company on the East Coast that had, well, an “interesting” mix of technology in their IT department. It seems a couple of these sites are have problems with the number of licensed connections available. The office has about 30 people, but they only have a 10 user license. Talk about 10lbs. of crap and a 5lbs. bag. But, wait, it gets better!! They’re running, yep, you guessed it, Netware 3.2. Oh, God, what did I do in a past life to deserve this?
Well, wailing and gnashing of teeth aside, I’m gonna’ have to deal with this. Somehow. Without spending any money. Yeah, right.
So, I dig into Uncle Jim’s Magical Bag O’ Tricks™ and pull out not one, but two copies of unserialized server.exe that I had from way, way back by way of a guy who was a developer at a Novell channel partner or some such. (Don’t worry, he’s since turned rogue and been seduced by the Evil Micro$oft Empire, so I’m not getting him in trouble.) But, you know what? The boss says to me, “That just doesn’t sound ‘right’.”
What’s this? A boss who actually cares about doing things the Right Way™ ? Whoda’ thunk it!
So, the work may not always be challenging and the pay can always be better, but at least I have a pretty damn good boss these days. That’s something. Hell, somedays, it’s the only thing.

1 Comment

  1. Okay, now, kids, repeat after me,”I will not ask the Network Geek for pirated software. Ever, for any reason.” Now, keep saying that until you believe it. I’m not in the software piracy business and the unserialized copies of server.exe are NOT available. I was only going to use them as a Band-Aid to get past a problem while we worked out the details.

    And, yes, I’m posting this because someone did, in fact, ask for them. There is an upgrade path to Netware 6, via 5, so there’s no excuse. Besides, why would anyone still be running server software that hasn’t been supported for more than two years?

    Comment by Network Geek — 10/11/2004 @ 3:54 pm

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