Bootable Windows CD
Man, there are times I could have used this!
I can’t count how many times I’ve had a problem with a Windows PC that required all kinds of esoteric futzing with drives and configurations. Oh, how much simpler it would have been if I’d only had the right bootable CD. Well, there’s a guy over in the Netherlands named Bart who’s got a page all about bootable Windows CDs. There’s nothing here that a really competent Admin couldn’t do by hand, but, oh, the time savings you get by having all the information and tools in one place!
I can’t remember all the times that I’ve had to do this, or find a way around doing it, over the years. Now, we all have a better resource. I hope it helps someone in need.
PE Builder is great! I have made mine for the first time a few months ago, and I constantly find new tools to build into the perfect all-in-one diagnostic CD. Linux may have Knoppix, but Windows has PEBuilder. OffbyOne browser was kind of impressive in its smallness.
Comment by Bowulf — 4/13/2004 @ 10:33 am